Ever wondered how YourStory makes money?

Kaushik N
1 min readFeb 3, 2021

YourStory registered a revenue of $3.4 million for Y2020

Q: Ever wondered how they make money?

A: Advertorial, meaning Advertisements disguised as Editorial content

Yourstory’s 80% of revenue came from this, i.e. Rs 20 crore

Q: If you are a startup, how much does it cost to get featured on YourStory?

A: Its starts at Rs 2 lakh (+GST)

For higher budget startups, an interview/video content costs start at Rs 30 lakh

Q: What does the startup get in return?

A: 1 newsletter (1.8 Lakh subscribers)
2 times social media promotion (Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter)
Min. 250,000 impressions

Q: What else does the startup get paying such hefty money?

A: Credibility: boast around that you got featured by YourStory

Q: How do you, a reader of YourStory differentiate between an ACTUAL editorial & useless PAID content?

A: Look for phrases like: “Brand publisher”, “Powered by ABC” etc…

These are mostly paid content

Wikipedia says: “YourStory seems to be a PR publishing platform (thinly) masquerading as a legitimate news site”

Credits: The Ken

